Iterative Optimization
Forcery uses technology, stakeholders and processes to simplify and automate workflows, minimizing cost, reducing human effort, speeding up delivery of business goals, allowing enterprises to scale. The highest value of customer relationship management (CRM) software is using technology to streamline marketing, sales, service and revenue operations.
Achievables must be measurable to be deliverable.
Meticulous planning and clearly defined goals are required before execution.
Interpreting KPI and metric performance is essential to creating levers for future success.
Insights should be iterative, and continually improved.
…or, check out some ideas about process design for your business, with a couple simple sample process flows below:
Process Flow
Business Process Analysis (BPA) is a key component of solution design, which must be a collaboration between all stakeholders before defining requirements or building, integrating and configuring software applications. Fixing technology is far more challenging than building solutions right the first time, so articulating and aligning requirements and objectives should always precede architecture and execution.